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Current Dharma Projects

Padmasambhava Buddhist Center is dedicated to spreading the teachings the Buddha and Guru Padmasambhava through many projects at our locations in the United States and in India. Our work is made possible by generous donations from individuals like you. We invite you to explore our initiatives and consider supporting our mission.

Click on any project to learn more.

Padma Samye Chokhor Ling Monastery

A traditional monastery and retreat center, it is the wish of the Venerable Khenpos that Padme Samye Chokhor Ling become a study and meditation center for their students and friends of the Dharma from around the world.

Orgyen Samye Chokhor Ling Monastery

A traditional monastery and retreat center, it is home to monks from Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan, ranging in age from 6 through 21. The education of the monks consists of learning the basics of reading, writing and grammar as well as study of the philosophical texts. The monks also learn English.

Padma Samye Jetavan: The Miracle Stupa for World Peace

Padma Samye Jetavan was dedicated in 2004. It is located in Jetavan Grove in Shravasti, where Buddha Shakyamuni resided and taught for 24 years during the rainy season and performed many miracles for 15 days. 

Palden Sherab Pema ling Retreat Center, Florida

Our retreat center is flourishing and growing in Jupiter, Florida. This project is now focused on building a new Dining Hall on the beautiful land. 

Stupa Garden Landscaping, Padma Samye Ling

Our sacred stupa garden at Padma Samye Ling is up! Now our focus is to add trees, shrubs and more to beautify this remarkable accomplishment.

Gochen Monastery, Kham, Tibet

This project focusing on building new bathrooms and installing running water at Gochen Monastery in Kham!

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About Us

Padmasambhava Buddhist Center (PBC) was established in 1989 to preserve the authentic message of Buddha Shakyamuni and Guru Padmasambhava in its entirety, and in particular to teach the traditions of the Nyingma school and Vajrayana Buddhism. ing

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618 Buddha Highway, Sidney Center, NY 13839
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- Padmasambhava Buddhist Center - Meditation Study Dzogchen - Tibetan Nyingma - Padmasambhava.Org

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