Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche with Yangsi Rinpoche and the monks of Orgyen Samye Chokhor Ling monastery in Sarnath, India on March 4, 2025!
We're so grateful for your support of the education of Yangsi Rinpoche and the young monks of Padma Samye Chökhor Ling!
"The transmission continues even now, like golden nectar flowing from Buddha Shakyamuni and Garab Dorje down through centuries of lineage holders into our present day world. As each one received and embraced these teachings, realizing them in a profound way, they fulfilled the prayers and aspirations of every being that passed it along. This is the lineage of peace and happiness, the tradition of joy and great fulfillment for the welfare of all life. This is the lineage of true appreciation and respect for every sentient being. It is the lineage of simple, humble, down to earth people, who would realize their buddhahood for the good of all. That is what this lineage is about and it is extremely beautiful."
Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Rinpoche
2016 Dzogchen Shedra at Padma Samye Ling