Padmasambhava Buddhist Center Livestream Event
(We'll go live again at the next scheduled time. Please refresh the webpage at that time to enjoy the live webcast. To view the live video full screen, click the expansion icon in the bottom right corner of the Vimeo screen next to the volume adjustment bars.)
Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche
Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche was born in eastern Tibet and enthroned as a Nyingmapa abbot by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche. He traveled and studied with H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, as well as with his late brother, Vajrayana master and scholar Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche, and his father, the hidden yogi Lama Chimed Namgyal. As a holder of the complete Nyingmapa lineage, Khenpo Tsewang Rinpoche is fully versed in the Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana schools, and is a master of Dzogchen. He has co-authored over 35 Dharma books in English with Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche, and travels throughout the world giving teachings, empowerments, and personal guidance at numerous retreats.
Pemai Chiso Dharma Store
The complete list of the practice sadhanas used during the retreat can be found here through the online Pemai Chiso Dharma Store. In addition, enjoy over 35 books by the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches, as well as many other Dharma items. Proceeds support the PBC monastics in Sarnath, India and the Dharma activities of PBC.
Padmasambhava Buddhist Center
Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche established the Padmasambhava Buddhist Center (PBC) in 1989 to preserve the authentic message of Buddha Shakyamuni and Guru Padmasambhava in its entirety, and in particular to teach the traditions of the Nyingma school and Vajrayana Buddhism. PBC includes many centers in the U.S.A., India, Puerto Rico, Latvia, and Russia, as well as monastic institutions in India, the U.S.A., and Russia. The main retreat center is Padma Samye Ling monastery in upstate, New York which includes a traditional temple, library, community building, apartments, and dormitories on 500 acres of meadows and forest. PSL hosts group and personal retreats throughout the year, as well as an annual philosophical Shedra, weekly Dharma Study, and a long-term residency volunteer program.
PSL Learning Dharma Skills Program
The resident volunteer Learning Dharma Skills Program has been created to facilitate the compassionate vision of international Sangha and friends, both to preserve Padma Samye Ling (PSL) as a center of study and practice in upstate New York, and to reflect their devotion to the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches’ mandala and lineage.
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Discover other teachings by Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche on Dzogchen Meditation, as well as hundreds of additional free Dharma Teachings on PBC YouTube (organized by topic)
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(Click the bar menu in the top/right corner for more videos.)
Follow Ven. Khenpo Rinpoche on PBC Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for daily inspiration!