
Lama Chimed and Khenpo Tsewang Rinpoche reading texts
“Wisdom is not something we can obtain from outside ourselves; it has been with us from beginningless time. This enlightened nature pervades every sentient being equally. It is not the case that only the Buddha has this nature; it exists in every mind. Although ignorance and obscurations cover our wisdom, the primordial nature is always radiating. For example, we know in a general way what is good for us and what is bad for us. This is the power of the primordial wisdom, radiating through the heaviness of ignorance.
However, for wisdom to manifest we have to work to bring it out. The discovery of wisdom requires relating with your mind by having discipline and concentration. In the beginning of Dharma practice, it is important to know that the mind is the most important thing to work with, and the best ways to work with it are through discipline, concentration, and wisdom. By practicing these three techniques, enlightenment is right here with us.”
-Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches
The Buddhist Path